Join us in protecting our healthcare and stopping Medicaid cuts. Find your rep below and reshare our Facebook or Twitter/X post. 

Congressmember Ken Calvert, CA 41


Congressmember Young Kim, CA 40


Congressmember David Valadao, CA 22



Out of touch billionaires are pressuring Congress to make deep cuts to Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California), which would jeopardize healthcare coverage and access for over 92 million Americans nationwide.

Federal Medicaid cuts would seriously undermine California’s Medi-Cal program by eliminating or degrading healthcare for over 15 million (1 in 3) Californians.

This plan will directly result in needless suffering, illness, and death… all to fund tax cuts for those same billionaires and others who already enjoy an obscene level of wealth.

Tell Congress to keep their Hands Off Our Healthcare and say no to federal Medicaid cuts, and protect the rights of states to provide health services. Millions of lives depend on it.