COVID-19 Daily Update: April 23, 2020

COVID-19 Daily Update: April 23, 2020

TESTING ALERT: All L.A. Frontline Workers to Get Tested Starting Today

Mayor Eric Garcetti just announced that starting today critical workers in Los Angeles will be able to get tested for the coronavirus whether or not they exhibit symptoms. This includes healthcare workers and first responders. Angeleno healthcare workers: Talk to your manager to find out how to get your test right away.

TODAY — FACEBOOK LIVE: Our Pathway to Reopening California

As healthcare workers we have a huge stake in ensuring that our state reopens under a timetable and plan that minimize infections and deaths. Join our Facebook Live session TODAY at 5:30 p.m. — we’ll hear from Kaiser Permanente Chief Community Health Officer Dr. Bechara Choucair and frontline caregivers from our union about the pathway to lifting stay-at-home orders safely and smartly.

And take a second to weigh in on this poll about when California should lift our stay-at-home orders — your input will help shape our conversation at 5:30!

DAY OF ACTION: We’re Calling — and Calling Out — Congress

Social distancing makes political action tricky — but we SEIU-UHW members always find a way to make our voices heard!

Yesterday nearly 400 of us joined a nationwide call to action to insist that Congress deliver more relief to all of us on the frontlines of this pandemic. We phoned our representatives and demanded that the next federal relief package include PPE for all healthcare workers, pandemic hazard pay, paid sick and family leave, and emergency support like subsidies for childcare and housing.

Show your support for a stronger federal response — like and retweet this post now!

VIDEO: Confronting Bad Employers

Many of our employers are working with us to optimize safety — but Enloe Medical Center management is doing the opposite by failing to take the pandemic seriously, refusing to address our safety concerns, and putting us and our patients at risk.

We’re not having it — so we SEIU-UHW members at Enloe joined forces with C.N.A. members for this socially-distanced candlelight vigil. We called on management to stop being part of the problem and start working with us to protect caregivers, our families, our patients, and our community.

RESOURCES: Lodging, Childcare, CEU Deadline Extensions & More

Check out our resources page for all the support available to us as healthcare workers — including no-cost and low-cost housing, childcare, priority shopping access at grocery stores, CEU deadline extensions, financial support, testing locations, safety protocols, and more.